Surface plasmons excitation with STM probe and collection with apertured & apertureless NSOM photon tunneling probes
Avoiding collisions in a multiprobe setup: Investigation of mechanical interactions between two tips using a MV4000 Two Probe NSOM microscope
A “point” SPPs source is generated first by an NSOM probe and then a second NSOM probe detects interference patterns
Near-field excitation and near-field detection of propagating surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) on Au waveguide structures
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Yes, I'd like to discuss Reflection NSOM with an application scientist
Yes, I'd like to discuss Collection NSOM with an application scientist
Yes, I'd like to discuss Transmission NSOM with an application scientist
Yes, I'd like to discuss Fluorescence NSOM with an application scientist
Yes, I'd like to discuss Nano-Illumination NSOM with an application scientist