BSA Protien Writing






60 x 80 micron optical image of the same region.
Video of protein printing in real time

Only Nanonics can deliver chemicals or gas onto the sample on line, with no need to remove the tip from the sample.

Protein printing is made possible by the Nanonics Chemical Delivery System and Nanopipette


Using any of the Nanonics MultiView systems, chemicals, in liquid or gas form, can be fed into the pipette via a silicon tube. Apart from Protein Printing, applications of this setup include metallic nano-etching and nanolithography: an etchant can be introduced into the sample and scanned across it with nanometer precision using our 3D FlatScanning™ technology. The nanopipette is engaged by the sample using standard contact-mode atomic force microscopy, and our integrated system makes it possible to view the etching simultaneously through any optical microscope.


    Nanofountain Pen reviewed by Nature Materials

In the August 2003 edition of Nature Materials. The Nanofountain Pen was reviewed in the Material Update section.

Click to download application note on the uses of the nanofountain pen (331kB)